Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ashraf's idea. Photography challenge.

Acap suggested to me right after PBL, that he'll be organizing a photography competition among ourselves in this blog. Brilliant! :D So, every Sunday, each everyone of you will need to start submiting/uploading one of your best photo based on the theme given. Tak susah weh.

The rules are:
1. No rules.
2. Only one photos needed to be submit.
3. Don't think about rule number 1.
4. Any image related to the theme (tak kisah pakai DSLR, SLR,Lomo, Camera phone, Point and Shoot camera) will be accepted, but no plagiarism please!
5. The theme will be announced on Sunday, so, submit your lovely photo before Thursday, or before it's too late. (so people can start judging your pic!)
6. One winner will be judged, based on comments in the comment box.
7. Additional rules will be added, if needed. Don't worry, i'm not that cruel - lah!

Ada hadiah. Serious. :)

So. I'm in! How 'bout my fellow comrades?

p/s: ada hadiah weh. Tak tipu. Plus, idea korang best2. Curah-curah kat blog ni, okay.
