Saturday, February 28, 2009
So today feels like Friday. Hee.
I knew yesterday was Friday.
Except that my brain cells didn’t travel far enough to recall and integrate :-)
I believe we ALL have our moments, eh?
… And today, (yes, it’s Saturday thanks) I figured out something random (or rather questions…)
1) It’s hard enough to have to deal with lack of common sense… but HONESTY is something practical. Please.
2) If something goes wrong, I'm not dumb. I just have a command of thoroughly useless information. Period.
3) Is it a right to remain ignorant? Yes? Go back to No. 1 :-)
I just can't identify with that kind of work/life ethic. That goes without saying.
Nothing helps a bad mood like spreading it around...sighhhh...
…btw, a totally unrelated question- Did you ever wonder if the person in the puddle is real, and you're just a reflection of him? :-)
Satanic Saturdie IV
syabas saya ucapkan kepada anak-anak renjers kerana berjaya menghabiskan makanan masing-masing di Secret Recipe pada Khamis malam Jumaat yang lepas, yang mana kita sepatutnya baca Yasin beramai-ramai, disamping kejayaan anak-anak renjers yang pass second block.
ingin juga saya mengucapkan Selamat Pagi-Pagi Hari Ini Sabtu *selak rambut acap*
sesungguhnya saya, encik zrdnoo meminta maaf kerana tidak berjaya mengupload gambar untuk photochallenge, sebab saya tidak punya akan laptop dan broadband. di ketika ini, sedang saya mengonlinekan seorang diri di cafe berbekalkan laptop pinjaman sementara. waktu sekarang menunjukkan 02:00. wahahaha.
dengan ini, saya, Zordon Si Kepompong, mengisytiharkan esok Hari Sabtu! *sambil kentut-kentut sorang-sorang kat cafe*
sila teka:
i. siapa
ii. jari apa
ini ISO Hi 1, hasilnya, gambar macam haiwan.hahaha
Selamat Tidur, Biatches! hahaha.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Makhluk halus bertangan besar…
Ini lebah sudah jadi arwah. Kacau aku masa stadi, aku ketuk dengan Katzung ini kombang datang masa aku nak tido semalam. lighting tak cukup, so kena pakai f/1.8. tu yang DOF shallow melampau.zul kutuk aku pasal ambik gambar bunga ni. acap, kat mana banyak bunga? ini mata acap. ayie ambik. cantik ah! :D
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Manic Monday: Still Monday rite?
Dude! This parasitology, microbiology, pharmacology are really getting on my nerve! Adding some more PBL, and seminar on Forensic DNA, things could not get any better. Well, I guess that is what I have chosen to be for the next 5 years and mind you, I did not regret at all for my decision to take up this field. Although its getting tougher by the minute, but I am becoming more and more in love with this field. Well, that is why they called it LOVE ya? :P Have a great day people!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
#2, PhotoChallenge : Reflection/Pantulan.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Satanic Saturdie III
Friday, February 20, 2009
Oh yeah. This day comes even when I don't want it.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
thursdays = more pics (post-resipe rahsia)
Zira n I (guilty looking?-sengal)
note:wohooo lovin d live writer^^ thx muiz for d recommendation;p
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Manic Monday: #1, Photo Challenge. Theme: Shadow/Bayang
Submitted by: HaremDer
p/s: I was thinking about how to shoot the photo for this photo challenge but then suddenly I remembered this photo i snapped last year during my trip to the airport.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
#1, PhotoChallenge. Theme : Shadow/Bayang.
Untuk PhotoChallenge yang pertama kali ni, siapa-siapa pon boleh vote, tapi hanya sekali. Comment digalakkan, untuk baiki skill bergambar masing-masing.
Kita sama-sama golongan ningrat. :) Sama rata tapi bukan komunis.
Submit gambar sebelum jumaat, sebab mungkin ada yang tak dapat access internet dalam masa terdekat.
Aku copy dari entry atas. So uploadkan je dalam entry ni since semua orang dah jadi admin. Okay? :)
Submitted by: HaremDer
evil within innocence
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Satanic Saturdie II
Friday, February 13, 2009
I broke a bloody vase and the world makes sense to me again, thanks.
Do you know that any month that begins on a Sunday will contain a Friday the 13th? And there is at least one Friday the 13th in every calendar year? Also, there’d been 688 days of Friday the 13th over the 4,800 months. The day with most numbers. How awesome.
Okay, not that I’m obsessed with Fridays, now yeh. It all started with a mere questioning when I was given this day as “my day” to have something posted here. I mean, why Friday? Lol. No worries. I’m not complaining. Now. I think. Hee :-)
If anything befalls you today, get it over with throughout the weekend and start anew on the next Monday. If you need more than that, go have a scoop or two of anything awesome and move on. Life’s too short for all that worrying. Trust me.
Now leave me alone. Sheesh.
Have a nice weekend fellas.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Ashraf's idea. Photography challenge.
The rules are:1. No rules.2. Only one photos needed to be submit.3. Don't think about rule number 1.4. Any image related to the theme (tak kisah pakai DSLR, SLR,Lomo, Camera phone, Point and Shoot camera) will be accepted, but no plagiarism please!5. The theme will be announced on Sunday, so, submit your lovely photo before Thursday, or before it's too late. (so people can start judging your pic!)6. One winner will be judged, based on comments in the comment box.7. Additional rules will be added, if needed. Don't worry, i'm not that cruel - lah!
p/s: ada hadiah weh. Tak tipu. Plus, idea korang best2. Curah-curah kat blog ni, okay.
Manic Monday: Aku tak nak dilabel ingkar!
Sebab semalam aku terlupe nak upload draft ni, so aku rase aku better upload gak hari ni daripada terkene title ingkar, aku tergerak nak highlight bende ni sebab terbace this one blog kat internet yang aku selalu ikut, tokasid, ni kawan blog powwer renjer biru sebenarnye, aku copy paste jela ape die ckp, senang
*bermula copy*
Melayu dan derhaka: Double standard
By tokasid
Apa itu ingkar?Apa itu derhaka?
Mengikut Kamus Dewan Derhaka ialah : . tidak taat atau khianat kpd negara (Tuhan, orang tua, dll), menentang kekuasaan yg sah: anak yg ~ dimurkai Allah; isteri yg ~ kpd suami; 2. = orang ~ = penderhaka orang yg mengkhianati negara (Tuhan, suami, dll): orang yg memasuki perkumpulan haram itu dianggap sbg ~; ;berderhaka berlaku derhaka, berkhianat: orang-orang yg ~ kpd ibu bapa akan menerima balasan di akhirat kelak; menderhaka melakukan perbuatan derhaka, menentang (melawan) kerajaan (orang tua, suami, dll): kesalahan spt ~, membunuh, dan ;penderhakaan perbuatan menderhaka ;penderhaka orang yg menderhaka:
Ingkar: menurut Kamus Dewan Ingkar ialah :Ar 1. = ~ akan tidak membenarkan (mengaku), menafikan, menyangkal, mungkir: jika mereka ~ akan apa yg tersebut itu maka terserahlah kpd Allah; 2. enggan, tidak menurut, tidak mahu: ada orang yg ~ menderma; 3. penafian, penyangkalan, perihal memungkiri; mengingkari memungkiri, menafikan, tidak mengakui (mentaati, menuruti, dll), menderhakai: banyak askar yg lari, yg menjadi lanun dan dgn berterang-terang ~ perintah-perintah waizuri; keingkaran 1. perihal ingkar (menafikan dll); 2. keengganan; pengingkaran perihal mengingkari (menafikan, menyangkal, mungkir), penafian, penyangkalan, pemungkiran; pengingkar orang atau pihak yg ingkar.
Kandungan posting mungkin ada kena mengena atau mungkin tidak dengan makhluk yang masih wujud atau telah tiada. Kalau terkena nak buat macamana kan? sapa makan cabai melaka dia terasa pedaihnya.
*berakhir copy*
Sorry again agak panjang tapi aku rase cam bendeni cambest je, until next time, powwer renjer merah signing out…
Sunday, February 8, 2009
What happened last weekend?
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
I rushed back to my room, insert the cd into my CD slot.
This evening, it's like dapat wahyu. I took out a slide of negative, put it into my roommate's typical flatbed scanner.
Atleast i managed to make the photo wider than the shop's PLUS i'm happy.
Mahal la film scanner. :(
Hi. I'm Gninuk Wolley. So what's your name again?
Today’s pretty awesome.
I got lucky in many occasions. Rather, I was saved. Again.
Thank you, Lord J
I just love Fridays.
...anyways, how are you today?
r_L gninuk
Thursday, February 5, 2009
recipeRAHSIA-more photos less words^^
powwer ranjers meets food..walaupun ade yg ade hal tp sume tetap ade^^
kenali powwer ranjers!!
zordon kebuluran!!
PRP tgh minum 7up?;p
tatkala PRP n PRH jumpe aiskrim
powwer ranjers in action..
selamat makan PRK!!^^ hihi
kaedah utk prevent consumption of coffee>.< PRM
saat manis bersama cake!!^^~ PRB
~no comment~ PRPK
touched by a zordon~freaky weyh!! PRP
overall dis is da 7 powwer ranjers^^ sgt best sbb sume ade..yey!!